click here to goto the about us page

click here to goto the about us page

click here to goto the about us page

click here to goto the about us page

Site Journal

September 10th, 2024.

the domain is now live, and the layout is starting to take form!

The majority of elements will still be unalligned and dysfunctional, but for now getting everything in place will do for now.

About Us

Hello, my name is Theo (aka TheActualO) and this is my website for my upcoming multimedia projects. While i have a more personal website available, my 'professional' projects will be hosted here instead.

I dont really know what to put here for now, so here are some general questions:

When did this website begin?

On September 10th, 2024. as of writing its only been an hour or two since it went live, many thanks to my host neocities. Consider creating your own personal website on the web today!

What is in the works?

I'm planning to produce a variety of animations, which will hopefuly be accessible here and on youtube in the coming months.

What are your interests?

I have a wide-array of interests, with the majority falling under the collective label of 'multimedia'. i find interest and motivation through the processes of development, production, and their reception from their audiences.

TheActualO Multimedia (C) 2024 | hosted by